Anchoresses were female aesthetics who chose to lead a life of prayer and reflection while being walled inside a church or cathedral. Many women had mystical experiences where they transcended their small cells and claimed to have connected with God. One quite famous Anchoress was Julian of Norwich who wrote, "The Revelations of Divine Love" in the 14th century. Julian's greatest take away was that only love existed and that we as humans must work to be more forgiving and loving.
While this practice ended in the Middle Ages, what advantages does a person experience when they decide to shut out the noise of our busy world and go inward? How can a strong spiritual practice of reflection and quiet impact our and others lives in a more enlightened way?
This particular series entitled, "Anchoresses" is meant to coax the viewer into considering how incorporating a more reflective and still approach to life can help them to transcend the worldly entanglements in which they think they exist. Each piece honors what I assume each Anchoress experienced while living the life of a hermit. Surely there were moments of terror, loneliness, isolation, claustrophobia, and pain. But so many of these women transcended past all these difficulties to experience peace, joy, transcendence, and enlightenment.